Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday morning...

I was brought to the window by the cries of a rather desperate sounding tranny, ("No, YOU don't understand, I lost my purse!!!!!") and this is what I saw.

Not only has someone defaced the Oak Fair Market, but there is a garage sale not even a block away. Can I make it? I want to... And I just saw people carrying stuff. Stuff. That's what I want. I don't need anything, but I want something. Something to break up the lying in bed watching movies and VH1. But I'm not sure I can get there. And, if I did, how would I carry anything back? Maybe a stranger would take pity on me, but do I want a stranger in my house? And, god forbid, what if the garage sales sucks? I don't want to spend 20 minutes getting down the stairs for some asshole's dirty pint glass, or stained tupperware, or shitty George Foreman grill that they're totally ditching cuz it sucks to clean. Been there, done that. I guess I'll settle into the last half of "Empire Strikes Back" and pretend I still have a life... or maybe I'll blog about my cat some more.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Scaredy Cat

Louise is at her breaking point. For the past three weeks, every time I approach her on my crutches she freaks out and scrambles out of my way as if the crutches are going to come alive and hunt her down. Last night, Egan got out his suitcase, a sure sign of impending abandonment. And!?!? The cleaners have come, and they brought a noisy, scary vacuum cleaner!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

There's nowhere to go! Nowhere to run!

Why God? WHY?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

Put the blanket back, you FOOL! You're going to get us KILLED!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

At the three week mark.

As of today, it's been three weeks since my surgery. Here's what my foot looks like at this point. A little less creepy than before...

My foot is definitely less swollen and less purple.

I still can't put any weight on it and won't be able to for another 4-5 weeks. But at least now I can get a better picture of what my new foot will eventually look like.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The path to freedom...

If you notice at the end, Tiff walks off with my second crutch.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Folding Cranes

Today I've been folding cranes for Renee and Yasu's Cincinnati wedding reception. They had over 2,000 cranes at their wedding last month! It was gorgeous, and touching that so many people gave their time and folding abilities. I was sad to stop folding, so when Renee asked if I could fold some for their Ohio party, I was thrilled! It's so relaxing and an honor to be able to contribute to their special time.

Renee, the lovely bride, with a lovely crane!

Renee gives her crane the breath of life.

I'm a believer

After another tasty slow cooked pork meal, I have no choice but to sing the praises of the slow cooker. If you don't own one, you must buy one. Last night Tiff and Mel came over for some bbq ribs, and they were pretty amazing if I do say so myself.

Tiff made corn pudding.

Mel brought a very special little guest, Owen!

Egan, with a mouth full of ribs, joins the cult of the slow cooker.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm a lucky gal

Egan is my knight in shining armor. Only he's not really dressed in armor, that's just a figure of speech. But I guess he's still kind of shiny... Anyway, he's been taking care of me as I recover from surgery, which I imagine can be somewhat trying, especially on my cranky days. And especially given that this the second time in a year that he's taken care of me after surgery. Yup, I am one lucky lady.

How Louise spent Saturday...

Every Saturday is a lazy Saturday for Louise.

Lazy Saturday...

In a show of solidarity, Egan spent most of yesterday lying in bed with me watching movies. We watched Bull Durham, which I had never seen, and actually liked more than I thought I would, a fact I grudgingly admitted to Egan. The Susan Sarandon / Kevin Costner scene at the end where they finally "do it" and then dance around her living room was a little much though. We got it, you like each other...enough already.

We also watched the Obama and Biden speech.

Egan reacts to Biden.

For dinner, we had mahi mahi, corn on the cob, chard and ice cream with fruit for dessert. Yum!

Mmmm, corny.

Later we watched Singles. Singles does not hold up. It was dreadful. Cameron Crowe is a fucking sap. I think except for Say Anything, I can safely say I hate all of his movies - especially Jerry Maguire. Do not fucking get me started on Jerry Maguire.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Frankenstein foot, part 2

So, I just got my stitches out.
Maybe I'm a complete pussy, but once they took off the tape and I got a look at the long incision down the left side of my foot, I got mega-queasy. Then I got lightheaded and felt like I might faint, so they had me lay back, drink water, and take deep breathes. When it was time to start snipping the stitches, the doctor told me I would feel "a little tug." Well, I can assure you, it did not feel like a "little tug." It fucking hurt. One of the stitches in my second toe had wedged itself into my skin like a soldier hunkering down in the trenches who has pledged that he won't be taken alive. That one was the worst, and I actually cried out, "FUCK!!!!!!!"

The angle is a little odd, because I still had my head back in the weird podiatrist chair contraption. But, my guess is you can still tell where that little soldier was.

Again, my pedicure still looks good!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Louise's favorite spot...

Louise is one lucky kitty. She has her own quilt made by my friend Todd's mom. Egan and I put it on his desk chair when we moved in, and from that day on, there's been no doubt, that the chair is no longer Egan's.


The lily by my bed opened. Pretty...

Ladies lunch!

I got to go outside again today. Thank god, because I was on the verge of seriously losing my shit. Mel and Tiff took me to lunch at Frankie's Bohemian Cafe and we had burgers. Frankie's is a special place for us as we had our first squad dinner as a threesome there three years ago. We also came close to getting egged on the way home that night, but that's another story.

Mmm, bbq bacon cheesy goodness for me

Mel got a turkey burger. She *hearts* ketchup.

Tiffany's turkey burger better say it's prayers.

Monday, August 18, 2008

It boggles the mind...

Last night Renee, Yasu, Todd and Rand came over to have dinner and play games with Egan and me. We played Boggle and Catchphrase... I realized that not only do I suck at Boggle, but my handwriting is dreadful. Guess which answer sheet is mine?

It's Renee's birthday in a few days, so we had cupcakes to celebrate! My favorite was the lemon, followed closely by the chocolate mint. Yum!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Ahh, pulled do I love thee? Let me count the ways...




Inspired by our fancy drink at Absinthe, Egan made us Sazeracs at home last night as a treat! Tracy came by for a visit and joined us in a little libation.

Little did she know, she was about to see the showdown of the century!

Awww shit, bitches! Someone call the WWF!

In this city by the bay, we are about to witness the final chapter in an ongoing rivalry that has taken the world of Oak Street by storm! In the left corner, we have the invincible fighting feline force, Louise!!! In the right corner, we have the tiny but mighty, hamsterific power Jose Luis!!! Who will rein supreme? Will Jose Luis once again humiliate all of kitty-kind and make off with a pouch full of diabetic cat food? Or will Louise finally bring THE PAIN?!?!?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Meanwhile back at the homestead...

Louise takes over stalking duties. I expect a full report this evening of what happened at the Oak Fair Market while we were gone.

I got to go outside today!!!!!!!!!

Ahhh, fresh air. A change of scenery. What a difference these things make. I've been out of the apartment only 3 times in the past 10 days. It's kind of an ordeal to get down the stairs, and it's harder than I thought it would be to go very far on crutches, but it's still worth the effort.

Egan and I went to Absinthe for lunch. We both got fancy cocktails, Frenchy sandwiches and we shared some freedom fries!

Egan looking handsome and sophisticated with his Death in the Afternoon. Oui!

I had a Bloody Mary. Not exactly French, but it was tasty. And did I mention that I got to leave the apartment? Double Oui.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Even Louise doesn't care about Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Olympic Spirit

Sure, she might have won the gold. But how many cold cans of Diet Coke can she carry stuffed in her underwear at one time? Huh? Huh? Yeah... some gold. Let's get back to reality people and focus on what's important. Ahhh, a refreshing beverage...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jose Luis gets a clean cage!

Little J.L. is a pretty lucky guy (even though, she's actually a girl.) She's about to get a clean cage and alfalfa snacks thanks to Egan. Plus while her house gets all "just so" she gets to run around in the hamster ball for a little exercise. In the recent past, the hamster ball has also meant "great escape." Last time she pulled a major Houdini move, we found her sitting in Louise's food bowl with her pouches totally stuffed full of diabetic cat food. Louise was... asleep.

An update on Louise...

Louise is holding up ok, just FYI. It's been a hard day for her...

Frankenstein foot

Well, I've had my first post-op doctor's appointment. All went pretty well, except I fell on the last stair in our building on my way out and whacked my cast. I didn't do any damage, but it fucking hurt, dude.

Anyway, they took some X-rays and gave me a new cast. I was hoping it would be a little lighter, but no dice. Regardless, I was happy to see that my pedicure made it through the surgery relatively unscathed.

What Louise is up to

Rear Window or Back Door? What was Hitchcock really trying to say?

Oh come on, you knew I would make that joke at some point. Perhaps I'm just being influenced by watching the Annabel Chong Story. It's kind of a depressing documentary, so I'll have to follow it up with something a little lighter.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Et tu, Louise?

Louise just peed on the bathroom rug.

Thanks. Oh no, really. Don't get up. I've got it. Please... do not trouble yourself. I need the exercise, and I enjoy standing on one leg. You've clearly had a hard day. No... oh please, come now. I won't hear of it. We were going to do laundry tonight anyway.

from steve

My Money Minutes

What are the rules about blogging more than once a day? Is it a no-no? What about blogging about things that happened in the past? I don't care. This is my fucking blog, goddamn it. I need to talk about my Eddie Money experience. Settle back in your easy chair by the fire...

Last month Egan and I went to the Alameda County Fair with some friends to see Eddie Money.
We've seen Eddie Money live once before, but this time
I came to one major realization: Eddie Money is needy.

Egan thought he was totally drunk. I wasn't sure, and
we all speculated that he might have been on painkillers
instead. There were a few times when the microphone stand
tipped over and needed to be righted by a roadie. Now, it's
true that Eddie is pushing 60, and not terribly graceful. He
would occasionally do that signature spin move, but mostly
he lurched around the stage with his arms outstretched,
practically begging the audience to reassure him that he
was indeed,their "Money Man." And the fans did love him. He
shook people's hands and at one point a woman even ran up on
stage for him. It's hard to imagine why, as Eddie looks like
a melted wax figure, but to each their own. Who am I to judge?

From the opening lines of "Two Tickets to Paradise", it became
clear that Eddie would not actually be *singing* his songs.
More, he just kind of enthusiastically talked through them, or
let the audience sing them for him. During "Take Me Home Tonight"
Eddie's daughter Jessie sang the Ronnie Specter part which, in
my mind, is a little creepy. It seems like a father/daughter line
that shouldn't be crossed. But I digress.

Throughout the night, Eddie kept up a relentless banter with the
audience. After his first inane comment during "Two Tickets", which
was, and I quote, "Give me some Whoa-Whoas," I decided to take notes.
These are some of my faves...I hope you enjoy.

To quote Eddie Money:

"The Money Man Loves You!"

"I say we get that rock-n-roll train rollin'."

"Give me some ba-das!"

"I love the 80s!"

"I want to thank my probation officer! He and his wife are in the audience tonight."

"That was three rehabs ago for me."

"If you've seen the price of gas, give me some ba-das."

"Eddie Money never had fans, Eddie Money had friends."
(Yes, he refers to himself in the third person.)

"All my ladies from the '80s... I wish my wife was a fan."

"I need some clean urine."

"Give me some 'Ohs'. I need some 'Ohs' back there."

"I just got my license back."

"Come on, give me some na-nas."

"Give me some ya-yas."

"San Francisco...Great Chinese Food. Who cares?"

Ahhh, Eddie. Thank you.

Eddie's touring any number of county fairs this summer. If he comes to one
near you, go.

My first post!!!!

So I'm beginning to think that starting a blog might have been a better idea before I was stuck in the apartment due to foot surgery. This is all bound to be pretty Rear Window, but without the wheelchair. I wish I had a wheelchair... sigh. It would make it so much easier to spy on Joaquim, the owner of the Oak-Fair market across the street. Now I can only hope that he comes to the front of the store to dust off the crates of Fanta that accumulate a layer of dirt from the street. Double sigh.